Monday, December 30, 2019
Christmas What Sociology Can Teach Us About the Holiday
Christmas is a beloved holiday, and for good reason. Its a time of parties, delicious seasonal beverages, feasting, gifts, and for many, a time of homecoming, but beneath the surface of festivity, theres quite a bit going on, sociologically speaking. What is it that makes Christmas such a good time for so many, and a let down for others? The Social Value of Rituals Classical sociologist Émile Durkheim can help shed light on these questions. Durkheim, as a functionalist, developed a still widely used theory for explaining what holds society and social groups together through his study of religion. Durkheim identified core aspects of religious structure and participation that sociologists today apply to society in general, including the role of rituals in bringing people together around shared practices and values; the way participation in rituals reaffirms shared values, and thus reaffirms and strengthens the social bonds between people (he called this solidarity); and the experience of collective effervescence, in which we share in feelings of excitement and are unified in the experience of participating in rituals together. As a result of these things, we feel connected to others, a sense of belonging, and the social order as it exists makes sense to us. We feel stable, comfortable, and secure. Secular Rituals of Christmas Christmas, of course, is a Christian holiday, celebrated by many as a religious holiday with religious rituals, values, and relationships. This schema for understanding what holds society together also applies to Christmas as a secular holiday. Lets start by taking stock of the rituals involved in either form of celebration: decorating, often together with loved ones; using seasonal and holiday-themed items; cooking meals and baking sweets; throwing and attending parties; exchanging gifts; wrapping and opening those gifts; bringing children to visit Santa Claus; watching for Santa on Christmas eve; leaving milk and cookies for him; singing Christmas carols; hanging stockings; watching Christmas movies and listening to Christmas music; performing in Christmas pageants; and attending church services. Why do they matter? Why do we look forward to them with such fervor and anticipation? Because what they do is bring us together with the people we hold dear and give us an opportunity to reaffirm our shared values. When we participate in rituals together, we call to the surface of interactions the values that underlie them. In this case, we can identify the values that underlie these rituals as the importance of family and friendship, togetherness, kindness, and generosity. These are the values that undergird the most beloved Christmas movies and songs, too. By coming together around these values through participation in Christmas rituals, we reaffirm and strengthen our social ties with those involved. The Magic of Christmas This is the magic of Christmas: it performs a deeply important social function for us. It makes us feel like we are part of a collective, whether that be with kin or chosen family. And, as social beings, this is one of our fundamental human needs. Doing this is what makes it such a special time of year, and why, for some, if we dont achieve this at Christmastime, it can be a real downer. Its easy to get wrapped up in the hunt for gifts, the desire for new goods, and the promise of letting loose and partying during this time of year. So, its important to remember that Christmas will be most enjoyable when it is designed to foster togetherness and the sharing and reaffirming of the positive values that bind us together. The material stuff is really quite incidental to these important social needs.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Bipolar and Unipolar Disorder Essay - 1484 Words
People go through different moods all the time; however, when the moods become cycling or a person encounters depression that changes how he or she interacts with his or her daily activities, this person maybe dealing with bipolar or unipolar disorder. Even though these two disorders are similar, there are marked differences, different causes, and different treatment. Bipolar and Unipolar Disorder Bipolar and unipolar are two different disorders that affect millions of people; however, there are differences in between the two mood disorders. Bipolar is differentiated by two distinguishing phases of mania and depression, and the rapid cycling of these two phases is a key element of bipolar. (Jackson, 2010). Unipolar is a major†¦show more content†¦According to Comer (2003), â€Å"The symptoms, which often feed upon one another, span five areas of functioning, emotional, motivational, behavioral, cognitive, and physical.†(Chapter 7, p. 195). People who suffer from these symptoms begin to have problems with just possessing the will power to arise out of bed each morning and go about their daily activities, and sometimes these symptoms can become so severe that a person may even begin to think of committing suicide. According to Comer (2003), â€Å"Between 5 and 10 percent of adults in the United States suffer from a severe unipolar pattern of depression in any g iven year, while another 3 to 5 percent suffer from mild forms†(Chapter 7, p. 194). However, unipolar disorder can be caused by different factors, one of them being a genetic factor. Factors of Unipolar Studies have shown that unipolar disorder can have a genetic basis. According to (Dombeck, 2010), â€Å"Among the general population, Major Depressive Disorder is 1.5 to 3 times more common among first-degree biological relatives of affected individuals than it is among other less related individuals.†(Genetics, para. 2). This is not saying that a person has â€Å"depression genes,†but that a person from a family with a parent or sibling that has unipolar disorder, has a higher tendency to have unipolar disorder. However, there also can be biochemical factors that can cause a person to have unipolar disorder, and outside factors, like stress, bring out thisShow MoreRelatedCauses, Symptoms, and Treatments of Unipolar and Bipolar Disorder936 Words  | 4 PagesCauses and 2 Unipolar and bipolar disorders are fairly common and they can have devastating effects to an individual. There has been much study and documentation on these disorders. This paper will review the causes of both unipolar and bipolar disorders. The symptoms of both of these disorders will be highlighted and discussed. Treatment options will be reviewed that are available to individuals who find that they are suffering from these disorders. Unipolar disorder is characterized by an individualRead MoreMajor Depressive Disorder ( Unipolar Depression ) And Bipolar Depression2296 Words  | 10 Pagesdiagnosis of both Major Depressive Disorder (Unipolar depression) and Bipolar Depression can be made on the basis of characteristics of a Major Depressive Episode (MDE). That is, can an MDE in patients with Major Depressive Disorder be differentiated from a MDE in patients with Bipolar Disorder? Firstly, the extremes in mood, Major Depressive Episode and mania/hypomania will be defined and it will be explained how they contribute to a diagnosis of MDD or Bipolar Disorder based on the diagnostic criteriaRead More The Diagnosis and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder Versus Unipolar Depression2471 Words  | 10 PagesDiagnosis and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder Versus Unipolar Depression Bipolar disorder is a serious mental disorder, but unfortunately our collective knowledge of this mental illness is not extensive. Unlike depression, where patients are strictly sullen and deeply blue, the bipolar patient experiences that same depression only flanked by extreme highsâ€â€a hyperactivity and increase in serotonin. It is this inconsistency in moodâ€â€a clinical mood swinging, that makes bipolar disorder so difficult to diagnoseRead MoreAbnormal Psychology-Unipolar and Bipolar Depression Essay1046 Words  | 5 PagesAbnormal Psychology | Unipolar and Bipolar Depression | Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment | Shawn M Best 10/16/2011 | Identifying the causes of unipolar and bipolar depression can be a complicated task because there are no known exact causes, just theories. These theories include chemical and hormonal imbalances within the brain, a misfiring of ion activity, and inherited genetics or biological abnormalities (Comer, 2005). Individuals who suffer with unipolar depression, which isRead MoreThe Anxiety Of Depression And Depression1457 Words  | 6 Pagesto be mood disorders such as depression or mania (Comer, 2011, p. 193). Depression is a sad, low state where life seems dark and overwhelming (Comer, 2011, p. 193). Mania is a state of frenzied energy or breathless euphoria where a person may have an exaggerated belief that the world is theirs for the taking (Comer, 2011, p. 193). Mania and depression are the two key emotions in mood disorders and most people who have one usually only suffer from depression, which is called unipolar depression (ComerRead MoreDepression Paper1107 Words  | 5 Pagesdepression is a mental illness that that can prohibit normal daily functioning. In this assignment I will examine two forms of clinical depression, unipolar, and bipolar depression. Depression can be so debilitating that it can cause a person to become suicidal. This depression is termed Unipolar. According to The American Psychiatric Association’s DSM, Unipolar depression is described as a significant depressed period that lasts more than two weeks. During this period an individual exhibits a minimumRead More Bipolar Disorder versus Unpolar Disorder Essay501 Words  | 3 Pages Bipolar disorder is a medical condition that is characterized by severe changes in mood. These mood swings can be so dramatic that a person may lose their ability to function. The issue of genetic linkage to bipolar disorder is being investigated by several researchers. Some research done has concluded that chromosome 18q, the monoamine oxidase a gene, and the serotonin transporter, all have a link to bipolar patients. The studies have been made on a large variety of different ethnic groupsRead MoreThe Cultural Aspects Of Bipolar Disorder1586 Words  | 7 PagesInt roduction Bipolar disorder like most mental disorders does not discriminate by culture. This research papers primary goal is educate on the cultural difference or similarities in how bipolar disorder manifests itself. The secondary goal of this paper is to establish a generalized understanding of bipolar disorder as to supplement the primary goal. This will all be done in a systematic manner to ensure that every major topic is examined to the full extent and all the topics of interests are coveredRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Mental Disorders1249 Words  | 5 PagesBipolar Disorder, also known as manic/depressive disorder once was a disorder that carried a severe societal stigmatism. It now has carries less stigmatism but is a disorder which has become difficult to diagnosis and extremely prevalent in today’s society. Due to the manic characteristic of the disorder it differentiates itself from the typical form of depression. Even though both depression and bipolar disorder can be du e to an imbalance in brain chemistry and biology, genetics, or effected byRead MoreDifferences Between Disorders1129 Words  | 5 Pages1. Distinguish between bipolar disorder, unipolar depression, dysthymic disorder, and cyclothymic disorder using DSM-5 criteria. (485) Before answering the question let’s see what each term means. Bipolar disorder is a disorder that is marked by alternating or intermixed periods of mania and depression (Comer, 2013, pp.224). Unipolar depression is depression without history of mania (Comer, 2013, pp.224). Dysthymic disorder are mood disorder that are similar to but not as long lasting and less disabling
Saturday, December 14, 2019
The Harm and Causes of Noise Pollution Free Essays
string(101) " have taken noise pollution as a serious matter and taken action to try and control noise pollution\." As a Kansas local, I am lucky to live in the country, where exposure to noise is usually under my own control. On a normal day, the average decibel rating on my front porch is 37 decibels. Even on a day when farm equipment can be heard off in the distance, the top decibel reading I have taken at my home is 47 decibels. We will write a custom essay sample on The Harm and Causes of Noise Pollution or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is not the case in Lawrence, Kansas. Lawrence is affected by noise pollution, just like all cities. The main sources of noise pollution are cars and trucks, construction sites, entertainment spots, and other industrial noise. These sources of noise effect different people in different ways. They also effect animals, that live in Lawrence, and other cities. This is due to how close we are to the noise, and how long we are exposed. Due to this, Lawrence has created noise ordinances in order to help lessen the issue. Living in a family with several hearing professionals, I learned at an early age about hearing protection, and how sound is measured. The term decibel (dB) is used to a measure and explain the intensity of a sound. It is measured on a logarithmic scale starting at 0 dB. Zero decibels is nearly complete silence. The way sound is measured is sometimes difficult to understand because a sound 10 times more powerful than silence is rated at 10 dB; and a sound 100 times more powerful than silence is rated at 20 dB. This continues as a sound 1000 times more powerful is rated at 30 decibels and the follows the same pattern. I find the best way to explain it is using real world examples. I took the following decibel readings as examples: 20 dB – Wind through the trees 33 dB – Water moving is a stream 52 dB – A truck passing on a gravel road 57 dB – People talking indoors 69 dB – A running shower 92 dB – Lawn tractor 114 db – Full size farm tractor 126 dB – Kansas Men’s Basketball Game at Allen Field House 157 dB – 20 gauge shotgun The biggest problem with noise pollution is that it is part of almost everything we do, and it can’t be eliminated entirely. Industrial machines, construction equipment, items used for music and entertainment, and even children’s toys are part the overall level of noise pollution. Noise can be lessened in most instances, or can be isolated to places where the distractions and impact are minimal. This is why most areas have zoning laws that make industrial plants locate outside of areas where populations typically live. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, a website sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health ; Human Services, lists 70 decibels as the noise level where sound becomes damaging to humans and other living things. The immediate volume of noise does not always matter, as damage can also happen from prolonged, or accrued, exposure. Karl Kryter, a noted author on the subject of noise induced hearing loss, reports that â€Å"exposure exceeding eight hours of noise exceeding eighty-five decibels is hazardous and can result in the loss of hearing†. At my home outside the city in more rural Douglas County, I am approximately 11 miles from the KU campus. The sounds I hear when I am at home are completely different from those I hear when I go to school, or when I visit Lawrence. Our family home is a ranch style so it is all on one level. To get to the front door you have to step up onto a very large covered deck, and at one end, past the front door, is a white porch swing. I sit in that porch swing to relax and study any day when the weather permits. I close my eyes as I rock back and forth, and I listen to the wind moving through the trees that line our driveway. I can hear the chickens in our chicken coop right around the corner from where I sit. They coo and talk to each other, sometimes flapping their wings to get up on top of the coop. I also hear Sophie and Sally, our two Nigerian Pygmy goats playing. They love to climb on the wooden structure my dad built for them, and I can hear their hooves hitting the wooden deck as they jump on and off chasing each other. Their bleating as they communicate with each other truly makes me smile. I cannot imagine not being able to hear the sounds than I love. When I go into Lawrence, I am faced with completely different sounds than at home. As an example, downtown Lawrence averages a decibel reading of about 70 decibels during an average workday. I measured a low of 42 dB and a high of 91 dB when delivery trucks were nearby. These are generally lower than what would be expected for an â€Å"urban environment†as Lawrence is not a large city. Noise can have several negative effects on human beings, and other animals. Of all the possible impacts, permanent hearing loss is the biggest. This could be partial or even total hearing loss. In her 2017 article â€Å"Healthy Hearing,†Brandy Plotnick reported, â€Å"an estimated sixteen million workers in the US factories miss work every year due to complications resulting from noise pollution, and estimates place the impact at a four billion dollar loss to the U.S. economy†. Interestingly enough, noise receives the least attention of environmental pollutants. Noise pollution is invisible, and this fact contributes to the lack of understanding to the dangers. Noise pollution negatively impacts the quality of life for people living in urban environments at a higher degree, due to their proximity to industries, transportation, airplanes overhead, and the larger number of entertainment venues. Worldwide, these large population centers usually have a large number of people living in close proximity to each other. Several countries, however, have taken noise pollution as a serious matter and taken action to try and control noise pollution. You read "The Harm and Causes of Noise Pollution" in category "Papers" The United States Government, for example, created the Occupational Safety ; Health Administration (OSHA) to protect workers from job related safety issues, including those that can cause noise induced hearing loss due to exposure. The European Union requires noise maps for cities in order to control the exposure of the population to excessive noise. The Netherlands does not allow construction of houses for human inhabitation in areas where the average noise in every twenty-four hours goes above 50 decibels. The Noise Act of Great Britain empowers law enforcement and local authorities to confiscate all noisy equipment and charge fines to people making too much noise at night. The Noise Act of the Great Britain also requires developers to install porous asphalt technology with the capacity to lower traffic noise by up to five decibels (Stansfield et al). One of the largest negative impact of noise pollution is noise induced hearing loss (NIDL). In order to understand how noise induced hearing loss happens, we first need to understand how we hear. The shape of our outer ear funnels sound into the ear canal and towards the eardrum. The eardrum (tympanic membrane) vibrates due to the sound and sends vibrations to the three tiny bones in the middle ear. These three bones are called the hammer (malleus), the anvil (incus) and the stirrup (stapes); and theyamplify the vibrations and send them to the inner ear (cochlea). Inside the cochlea are tiny hair-like cells. These cells react to the vibrations by releasing neurochemical messengers that turn the sound waves into electrical signals. The auditory nerve then carries the electrical signals to the brain, where they are translated into sound. When we are exposed to single loud noises, or when we are exposed to noise levels of 70 dB or above for an extended period of time, the hair-like cells inside our inner ear are damaged. Over time, they can die, and our body does not have the ability to regenerate these cells. This noise induced hearing loss can cause loss of hearing in certain frequency ranges, or our ability to hear altogether. (Kryter) Noise pollution has also been proven to cause negative psychological effects on humans and other animals. Among these is anxiety and nervous tension, loss of appetite, headaches, and issues with the pituitary gland. Increased exposure to noise pollution also can affect muscles and other internal organs by increasing inflammation of the nerve cells. The negative effects noise exposure can have on individuals has caused increased interest in noise pollution and ideas meant to protect the populations from excessive noise pollution (Atamca et al.). The City of Lawrence, Kansas has made several attempts to lessen the effects of noise pollution on the local residents. Among these measures is the Lawrence noise ordinance, â€Å"Loud and Unnecessary Noise Prohibition of the Nuisance Act.†According to the noise ordinance, â€Å"it is unlawful for any person to make, allow or continue to make any unnecessary, excessive, loud and unusual noise which endangers the comfort of others, creates a nuisance, injuries, repose or affects the safety of other people. Noise interfering with the enjoyment of property of any person of reasonable sensibilities residing in or occupying the area is prohibited, unless the making or continuation in the making of such noise is necessary for the protection and preservation of the said property or the health and safety of an individual†. The act specifically declares certain activities as nuisance noise, and a violation of this section, making them unlawful. These items are, â€Å"the playing of any radio device, musical instrument sound amplifier and a similar device that amplifies sound in such a manner or intensity to annoy, cause distress, disturb the quiet, repose and comfort of a person of reasonable sensibilities within the vicinity or hearing range of the said noise. Steam whistles, the blowing of steam whistles attached to any stationary boiler except when being used to give notice of the opening and closing of an institution or establishment, or indicating initiation and end of work or give warning†(Noise Ordinance). Although the ordinance was most recently published in 2017, it is clear from the items included that it has not been updated for many years. Brian Jimenez, Code Enforcement Manager for the City of Lawrence Kansas stated to me â€Å"the regulations have not kept up with population changes or advancements in technology†. Instead of references to decibel readings, the ordinance classifies any noise from a stationary source as either loud, unnecessary or unusual as unlawful â€Å"as prohibited by the ordinance†. In doing some research for this speech, I took average decibel readings in several locations in Lawrence. These readings were taken Downtown (9th and New Hampshire), South (31st ; Iowa), Northwest (6th and Wakarusa) and on campus outside of Allen Fieldhouse. Each location was measured over a 3-hour period using an electronic dosimeter loaned to me by my father. The dosimeter measured levels constantly and provided data: Downtown South Northwest Campus High dB Rdg. 102 91 87 92 Low dB Rdg 67 58 55 51 Avg dB for 3 hrs 83 79 72 71 Observations Construction and traffic Siren, traffic Traffic noise Police sirens. Overall lowest Due primarily to traffic and construction noise, each of the four locations demonstrated an average decibel rating over 70 decibels. While it takes a higher level to cause immediate damage, constant exposure at these levels can become an issue. The high readings in each location were enough to cause damage, and the construction noise in downtown Lawrence is reaching dangerous levels at the peak measurements. While the City of Lawrence has made positive strives, in working to control noise pollution, there is still a lot that could be done. A big one is controlling of noise from construction activities. Construction, not like industrial activities, is not confined to specific locations. Construction takes places in commercial, industrial and even residential areas depending on the job. Construction can also involves the use of large machinery, resulting in noise pollution whose intensity changes based on the type of machinery used and the activity. Workers inside construction sites are usually protected using OSHA mandated personal hearing protection like earplugs or ear muffs, however, people living near the construction site are exposed to the high noise levels. While taking readings on the sidewalk across the street from a construction site in downtown Lawrence recently, over a 30- minute period, decibel levels reached a high of 91 decibels with an average of 83 decibels. This tells me that the city could protect its residents better by creating an ordinance regulating noise from construction sites. Contractors could be required to take decibel measurements and lessen the noise that comes from machinery they use. Sound dampening technology is available today and there are cities where the requirements already exist. Another area where the City of Lawrence can intervene is by regulating the level of noise coming from entertainment businesses. Over the last few years, Lawrence has allowed the building of quite a few downtown apartment buildings. Many are on New Hampshire Street where there are quite a few bars and restaurants featuring live music. These businesses add to the character and personality of Lawrence, but noise coming from them puts the hearing health of the people living in the neighborhood at risk. As an example, on a recent Friday evening I took decibel readings outside of the â€Å"Bottleneck,†a local bar with live music. Normal readings with the doors closed were just under 65 decibels, but the decibel levels jumped to over 100 decibels (averaged 102 dB) every time the doors opened. This is an unknown danger for the people living or even just walking nearby. Even across the street, the decibel level was higher than 85 decibels at times. The most important thing we can do to reduce the damage of noise pollution is to educate the population. While most of us understand that very loud noises can harm us, the majority don’t realize that lower noises over a period of time can actually be more harmful. There are several apps available for both Apple and Android phones, which measure decibel levels and provide the information for our own personal protection. I would encourage each of you to download one and look at the sounds you are exposed to in your own life. By measuring your own personal exposure, and understanding when hearing protection is beneficial, we can all reduce the chance of noise induced hearing loss. Works Cited Atmaca, E, et al. â€Å"Industrial Noise and Its Effects on Humans.† Journal of Environmental Studies, vol. 14.6, 2005. Jimenez, Brian. Personal Interview. November 17, 2017 â€Å"Kansas Noise Ordinance 2017.† City of Lawrence, KS, City of Lawrence, KS, 2017, Kryter, Karl D. The Effects of Noise on Man. Elsevier, 2013. â€Å"Noise Induced Hearing Loss.† National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), U.S. Department of Health Human Services, 2017, â€Å"Noise Induced Hearing Loss.† National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), U.S. Department of Health Human Services, 2017, Web Plotnick, Brande. â€Å"Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL).† Healthy Hearing, Healthy Hearing, 11 May 2017, Stansfield, Stephen A, and Mark P Matheson. â€Å"Noise Pollution: Non-Auditory Effects on Health.† British Medical Bulletin, vol. 68.0, 2003, pp. 243–257. How to cite The Harm and Causes of Noise Pollution, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Compare and Contrast of Aristocrat Leisure and Fortescue Metals
Question: Discuss about the Compare and Contrast of Aristocrat Leisure Limited and Fortescue Metals Group. Answer: Introduction: The purpose of this report is to compare and contrast Aristocrat Leisure Limited, an Australian with Fortescue Metals Group, an Australian iron ore company Aristocrat Liesure Limited is the biggest gambling machine maker in Australia, and it is also ranked as largest maker ofslot machinesin the planet, second just toInternational Game Technology. The company was founded in 1953 with the production of its first machine. The company was founded by Mr Len Aisworth. The company is licensed to sell gambling products and slot machines in over 200 jurisdictions in Australia. The company has 2,080 people as employees. The maximum revenue attained in a year was back in 2004 which was in excess of $1.1 billion Australian dollars. Fortescue Metals Group was founded back in 2003 after discovery of major iron ore deposits and has now developed and constructed some of the most important iron ore mines in the world. The company operation spans a total of four mines in Pilbara. They also own and operate an integrated supply chain that includes the five berths Herb Elliott Port in Port Hedland and the fastest, heavy haul railway in the world. Discussion: Vision statement Comparison Vision statement Of Aristocrat Leisure Limited is to create the best gambling and gaming experience each and every day. As the company deals with gambling games and slot machines the vision is appropriate to its needs (Kenny 2014). The statement states that the company wishes to provide the best products with superior quality that will enable the player to have a very pleasant and exciting experience which will make him play the game every day. It holds true as aristocrat has the most modern technologies in its arsenal to make the experience more interactive and engaging for the players. In contrast to the vision statement of Fortescue aims to be the safest, most profitable and lowest cost iron ore producer (Carton Murphy and Clark 2014). So in aspect of SMART test the vison is Specific as it is in context to the gambling and gaming industry, the vision is also Measurable as the industry the company deals with small and deals with the end customer, yes the vision is Achievable as aristocrat is one of the largest company manufacturing gambling games and the market is very small, it can also be stated that the vision is Realistic as gamers prefer specific games and it is possible for Aristocrat to penetrate into the preference list with good exciting games and lastly it can be stated that the vision is Timely for such an industry where product design and usability is in control of the producer(Olaisen 2016). Vision Statement of Fortescue Metals Group is to be the safest, low cost and most profitable producer of iron ore. The statement provides the context that the company is aiming to become the industry leader not just through production quantity but also through its process of production that is safest in the industry and the technology that the company uses will make the production cost lower thus helping FMG to provide cheaper ore to its customers (Ji et al 2015). The aim is to also become a profitable producer which can be done through increase in production as more production amounts to less cost and more end profit (Korschun 2014). In context of the SMART test it can be note that the vision of Fortescue is Specific in terms of the way the company wants to proceed in the industry. The vision here is somewhat less Measurable as the iron ore industry is very vast with multiple aspects which are not always measurable. Yes the vision is Achievable to some extent even though there may be many obstacles be it legal, environmental and so on (Mai Perry and Loh 2014). The statement is Realistic due to the fact that the company is the fourth largest producer of iron ore and has in depth knowledge of the industry. The statement may not be as timely as the product production is not in the companies hands cause iron ore is formed naturally. Values of the organizations Organization values of Aristocrat believe in Respect, Courage, Integrity and Passion. This provides the company to support the business, the people involved and the customer community. Respect is stated in terms of respect for the people involved that helps the company to conduct business be it t he employees or the customers (Francis Livingstone and Rintoul 2017) . Courage valued as it the driving force to take risks that helps in innovation on all fronts. Integrity is the backbone value as it assures that the products are consistent and there are no discrepancies between the promised product and the delivered. Passion is a value that helps the company to produce quality products (Hudson Bryson and Michelotti2017). Organization values of Fortescue are integrity, determination, empowerment, Frugality, Safety, family, Idea Generation these values help the company to succeed in this aims. Integrity helps in providing consistent and proper production without any hidden agenda (Ng Walls and Wingard 2016). Determination is key factor to achieve company goals as it is a driving force to attain proper results. Empowerment enables the employees to take decision in the company that help in optimum productivity. Frugality helps in achieving economic goals of the company thus results in less wastage of resources. Safety is is something very important in the mining industry as employees risk their lives to mine ore from mines and safety values boost morale in a sense thet all safety measure are in order. Family this value relates to the fact that all the employees in the company are family and everyone is valuable in each of their way and the company will take care of their needs. Idea generation helps the company to implement new techniques and technologies to improve their production capabilities and over all work process (Vveinhardt Gulbovaite. and Streimikiene 2016.). All the statements are believable and realistic to the point and they add genuine value to the company and its vision. Corporate social responsibility/Sustainability: The corporate social responsibilities of Aristocrat Leisure Limited and Fortescue Metals Group occupy a very important position in their respective company policies. A comparison between the corporate social responsibilities of the two companies must take into account the fact that they belong to different industries(Chan, Watson and Woodliff 2014). Aristocrat Leisure Limited is an internet gaming and gambling company with its headquarters in Sydney, Australia. Fortescue Metal Group is a mining company with its registered office in East Perth, Australia. Comparisons between the two companies on the grounds of their CSR are as follows: Different industries: Aristocrat Leisure Limited is a gaming and gambling company and causes minimum pollution. Its corporate social responsibility stresses more on ethical usage of internet while gambling and gaming(Mason and Simmons 2014). Fortescue Metals Group is an iron articles manufacturing and marketing company which is a part of the mineral and mining sector which causes a lot of pollution. It is due to this difference in industries that its CSR is vast and encompasses several items like climate change, slavery, corruption and employee health and safety. Thus the comparison shows that compared to Aristocrat Leisure Limited, Fortescues CSR is vast due to the difference in their industries and operation(Jizi et al. 2014). Components: The components of the corporate responsibility of Aristocrat Leisure Limited are research in collaboration with computer laboratories to make more innovative and affordable games. The items also include preserving water resources, recycling wastes and manufacturing fuel efficiency vehicles. The company invests in making socially responsible games which are ethical and does not harm stakeholders like society and customers(Khan, Muttakin and Siddiqui 2013). The areas of focus of the corporate social responsibility of Fortescue Metals Group encompass the following areas: Ethical conduct, taking bribes and corruption. Abolition of slavery and unethical suppliers. Human rights. Transparency in taxation and governance. Employee security, health and development. Engaging with stakeholders. Development of local community like development of the Aborigines. Preserving of natural resources like water reserves and combating climate changes. Help the biodiversity of Australia to flourish. Managing mining activities sustainably and environment friendly possible. Earning higher profits to sustain the CSR. A comparison between the CSR of the two companies reveal that the CSR of Fortescue is vast compared to the CSR of Aristocrat. It is due to the inherent nature of the mining industry which is prone to corruption, employee safety issues and slavery to a far greater extent than the gaming and hospitality sector (Hond et al. 2014). Execution of CSR: The execution of corporate social responsibility of Aristocrat involves the employees participating in fund raising activities for their localities. The Global Volunteer Week encourages the employees to demonstrate the sustainable skills like recycling of wastes and raise funds to support poor people (Bair and Palpacuer 2015). The executions of corporate social responsibility of Fortescue Metal Groups are more elaborate and expensive. The company collaborates with international bodies like United Nations to encourage restoration of biodiversity and natural resources (Alshareef and Sandhu 2015). SMART analysis: Specific: The CSR of Aristocrat is more specific due to its nature of business. The CSR of Fortescue Metals Group is vast and less specific because the company belongs to the mining industry which causes a lot of pollution. Measurable: The CSR of Aristicrat is more easily measurable owing to its smaller expanse compared to Fortescue. The CSR of the mining is vast and encompasses a lot of items hence, the measuring of its CSR require lot of documents like annual report, pollution report from factories and mines and so on. Achievable: The CSR of Aristocrat is achievable due to its smaller expanse which is mostly limited to ethical and socially beneficial gaming and gambling. The CSR of Fortescue Metal Group is vast and is not easily achievable. Timely: The CSR of Aristocrat is achievable within a shorter span of time compared to Fortescue. The CSR of Fortescue includes stakeholders and deals with a vast array of items like corruption, slavery and human rights. These items are extremely complicated and involve laws, society and several other stakeholders. Thus, achieving CSR of Fortescue is very time consuming and the company has to group these CSR areas into short, medium and long term to achieve them. Stakeholders mentioned in their corporate statements: The corporate statements of Aristocrat mention the names of stakeholders of two categories, namely internal and external. The internal stakeholders mentioned are directors, managing directors and senior executives ( 2017). The reports also state the name of the external auditor, Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC). Among the external stakeholders the reports reveal the names of the key stakeholders like government, apex bodies namley Australian Securities and Investments Commission and the Nevada Commission. The shareholders, customers and the community as a whole also find mention among the external stakeholders (Cascetta et al. 2015). A review of the corporate statements of Fortescue reveals that the number of stakeholders of the company is far greater than Aristocrat. Fortescue in its reports too mention the internal stakeholders and external stakeholders in greater detail. The internal stakeholders mentioned are chairman and other employees. The reports pay a lot of importance to its employees of various categories like women and Aborigines which reflect the companysdiversity management power. The external stakeholders mentioned are suppliers, customers and shareholders. Among the key stakeholders apex bodies like government, WA department of Mines, Joint Ores Reserve Committee, Audit andRisk Management Committee found mention in the reports. The audit of the company like Aristocrat is handled by PWC. However, international bodies like UNGC and Internatioanl Council On Mining and Metals find mention in the reports of Fortescue but not in the reports of Aristocrat. Both the companies mention stakeholders like com munity and customers. Conclusion: It can be concluded that Aristocrat and Fortescue have some common characteristics like aim to earn profits. However, they have different vision, mission and CSR owing the differences in sectors they belong to. The discussion shows that the area of business of Fortescue is far greater and varied compared to Aristocrat. References: Alshareef, M.N.Z. and Sandhu, K., 2015. 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Your Companys Purpose is Not Its Vision, Mission or Values.Harvard Business Review. Sep,3. Olaisen, J., 2016.Sources of creativity in consumer ideation: effects of providing information on company vision and market research(Master's thesis). Korschun, D., Bhattacharya, C.B. and Swain, S.D., 2014. Corporate social responsibility, customer orientation, and the job performance of frontline employees.Journal of Marketing,78(3), pp.20-37. Hudson, S., Bryson, D. and Michelotti, M., 2017. Individuals' Assessment of Corporate Social Performance, Person-Organization Values and Goals Fit, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions.Relations Industrielles,72(2), p.322. Vveinhardt, J., Gulbovaite, E. and Streimikiene, D., 2016. Different Values Forms in Organization: is the Congruence Possible?.Montenegrin Journal of Economics,12(2), p.117. Ng, E.S., Walls, J. and Wingard, G., 2016. Getting to the Heart of Corporate Sustainability: The Role of Managerial Values and Motivation in the Mongolian Mining Industry. Ji, R., Gao, Y., Liu, W., Xie, X., Tian, Q. and Li, X., 2015. When location meets social multimedia: A survey on vision-based recognition and mining for geo-social multimedia analytics.ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST),6(1), p.1. Mai, C.C.C., Perry, C. and Loh, E., 2014. Integrating Organisational Change Management and Customer Relationship Management in a Casino.UNLV Gaming Research Review Journal,18(2), p.1. Francis, L., Livingstone, C. and Rintoul, A., 2017. Analysis of EGM licensing decisions by the gambling regulator, Victoria, Australia.International Gambling Studies,17(1), pp.65-86.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Multi agency teams work together to support speech, language and communication free essay sample
There are a number of professionals that come into contact with each other if a child has needs with speech, language and communication and require support from different areas. E. g. a social worker, SEN Officer, teacher and parent can work together to improve the life of a child or young person. They may come together to discuss a plan that is best for the child to progress effectively. Each child may have different professionals to tailor their individual needs. The people with specialist knowledge and skills will support the people that work with them on a daily basis and have regular meetings to remove barriers of achievement, agree strategies, provide training and identify, and sometimes provide resources. SENCO have the correct paper work in place and ensure appointments are up to date, this will make it easy to monitor development. This will help to co-ordinate with professionals who work with the child. We will write a custom essay sample on Multi agency teams work together to support speech, language and communication or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The LEA decides between the school and external support services on how to support the child’s development and may arrange the intervention of a school action plus level to be provided. It also has a parent partnership so parents can be heard and understood with their views taken into account. Every child matters is a programme that covers all children in the school age 0-19. It has been set up so that schools and parents work together to give very child the best chance on life. It has a shared database of children containing information of every child so that all multi agencies, schools, police and voluntary groups can ensure the welfare of each child and can be assessed.
Monday, November 25, 2019
TThe Holocaust Misconception essays
TThe Holocaust Misconception essays The Holocaust MisconceptionThe Holocaust is likely one of the most misunderstood historical events of modern times. There are those that underestimate the extent of world knowledge about the German atrocities. There are also those who are ignorant of the way in which the Jews reacted to their situation. There is an incredible extent of incorrect information about the Holocaust which people have been taught or made to beleive. It is imperative that modern society fully appreciate the terrors of the Holocaust in order to prevent its reoccurrence. First and foremost, we must address the misconception concerning the worlds knowledge of what was happening. It is often assumed and taught that the Holocaust portion of World War II was such a well kept secret that no one knew of it until after the fact, however, this is untrue. There were various ways that the world was notified of these horrors. Various nations and various Jewish communities gained knowledge of the barbarity and did nothing . The people in power at that time were notified many times of what was going on. On September 29 and 30, 1941 there was a mass killing at Babi Yar, a Russian city near Kiev. Reporters in Kiev were sending the story to their publishers within three days, it was never printed. A Swiss-German industrialist, after having been invited to watch a mass killing, sent photographs to Winston Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, they were ignored. In February 1942, the Vatican and the Red Cross received confirmed reports of the Holocaust. After discussing whether to intervene, they concluded that they had to remain silent, so as not to compromise their neutrality. In July of 1942, news reports of the killings were aired in London, however, nothing came of it because the reports were in French. Head of the CIA, Allen Dulles received an account of the camps from two inmates in 1944. Despite being quote-unquote &quo...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Importance of Derived Demand in B2B Marketing (Coca Cola) Essay
The Importance of Derived Demand in B2B Marketing (Coca Cola) - Essay Example The objective of the paper is to analyze the derived demand aspects of Coca Cola along with the segmentation and marketing channel used by the company. Several aspects such as competitors’ products, substitute products, raw materials and demographic factors among others can help to analyze the derived demand for Coca Cola’s products in market. Coca Cola, as a reputed band with operations all over the world, uses different channels in order to market its products. Coca Cola mainly segments its market on the basis of geographic and demographic factors. The report describes numerous business segmentation prospects for Coca Cola in the global market. With its effective marketing and segmentation strategies, Coca Cola can strengthen its brand image in order to fortify the product demand. Brief Overview To The Company In the year 1886, John Pemberton a pharmacist in Atlanta created history by forming a soft drink which was named Coca-Cola by his bookkeeper Frank Robinson. Later, in the year 1888, after the death of John Pemberton, an Atlanta businessman Asa Griggs Candler bought the rights of the company for a total of USD 2,300. He became the company’s primary President who brought the real vision to the business and the brand. Thus, Candler’s mission to create the invention of the soft drink into the largest beverage company in the world was being fulfilled, after a century when the company produced in excess of 10 billion gallons of soft drink (The Coca-Cola Company, 2011). Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, the Coca Cola Company is the world’s biggest beverage company. It employs approximately 146,200 staffs across six operating groups. The product portfolio consists of above 3,000 beverages which are available in excess of 200 countries worldwide (The Coca-Cola Company, 2 011). The main mission of the company and its leaders are to refresh the world. The company through its products wants to bring happiness and encourage moments of cheerfulness among the people of the world. In its large variety of product portfolio, Coca Cola focuses on to make sparkling beverages that will enable the consumers to douse their thirst. Apart from these, the company is also spreading its businesses by developing other products, such as, energy drinks, mineral water and an African juice drink among others. The company’s focus on the soft drink category is evitable as it is selling over 1.7 billion servings of beverage every day all over the world (The Coca-Cola Company, 2011). Soft drinks are non alcoholic beverage that is consumed by larger portion of the age groups, from teens to elders. It is a drink that helps refreshing consumers and brings happiness and optimism in their minds. Thus, the different flavors consisted in the soft drink categories are generally not targeted towards a particular age group or gender, but almost all the population. Statistics reveal that in the year 2011, 92 servings of beverage products were consumed per person worldwide (The Coca-Cola Company, 2011). Drivers of Derived Demand Derived demand is a perception where demand of a specific product comes from or relies on
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Management Theories Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Management Theories - Research Paper Example This led him to believe that in order to increase productivity; employees who reached their targets ought to receive more salary than those who did not. However, he had overlooked the fact that different people tend to have different behaviors and money cannot be the sole motivator of all employees (Flores & Utley, 2000). In addition, Taylor viewed employees as machines th can follow a certain standardized means of production. However, it has to be noted that employees, even the unskilled cannot follow the same processes at all times because they become demoralized by doing repetitive tasks. This implies that forcing employees to do what their managers say do not increase productivity because an employee will slow down his or her work rate if she or he feels that micromanagement is being used on him or her (Flores & Utley, 2000). Taylor’s Theory of Scientific Management Taylorism or Taylor’s Theory of Scientific Management is the analysis and synthesis of workflow in ma nagement. The most important point of the theory was to increase labor productivity and as a result, achieve better economic efficiency. Development of the idea was started in the 1880s and 1890s by Taylor when he realized the importance of applying science in the production industry. While working as a supervisor and a lathe operator in Midvale Steel, he realized that several employees had different capacities of production. This arose from the fact that different employees had different levels of intelligence, talents and motivations. He was among the first people to apply science into the field of production because he wanted to analyze and synthesize the best practices that could lead to a standardized process (Taylor 1911). The best practices would be propagated to all employees in any organization in order to ensure that they were all committed to their work. This would lead to increased productivity and reduced efforts because of using precise procedures, which would be devel oped after studying each individual carefully while working. The application of scientific management in industries resulted in increased ratio between managers and the laborers. It is of paramount importance to note that many laborers could not differentiate between micromanagement and this type of management. This, in turn resulted in frictions between workers and their seniors in the office. Strikes started to occur in industries because laborers felt that they were mistreated by the managers (Taylor 1911). Frederick Winslow Taylor Frederick Winslow Taylor was an American mechanical engineer who was born on 20 March 1856 and died on 21 March 1915. While at Midvale, Taylor realized that workers were not utilizing their potentials as well as the machines they were working with to their full potential. Due to the less productivity of the workers, Midvale Steel was accruing high production costs, which could have been reduced by increasing productivity. When he was promoted to the le vel of a foreman, his focus was ensuring that workers utilized their potentials. He later left Midvale and opened his own consulting firm, which earned him enormous experience in management (Papesh, 1998). Frederick Winslow Taylor Main Theory As Taylor was developing his ideas, he made three assumptions about people at the workplace. He believed that employees are economic animals whose main aim at the workplace is to maximize their earnings. In addition, he thought that employees should
Monday, November 18, 2019
Eurocompanies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Eurocompanies - Essay Example There is often a futuristic focus, with prescribed contingent outcomes. Although there are often attempts to address both the practice and the conceptual aspects of HRD, the drive to express HRD in relation to models, frameworks and typologies could result in a distancing between rhetoric and reality, similar to that found in HRM debates. As Hatcher argues, 'Without a focus on the theoretical foundations of research and practice, HRD is destined to remain atheoretical in nature and poor practice will continue to undermine its credibility' (2000:45). Historically, the development of HRD can be traced from training and instructional design, to training and development, to employee development, to human resource development. Traditionally, the field of HRD was defined by practice, not from a theoretical frame or set of research. Pat McLagan (1983) postulates the boundaries of HRD as individual development, organization development and career development. O'Brien and Thompson (1999) apply a similar framework in the Irish and European context. More recently, the emergence of HRD related journals have presented an opportunity to define the field on the basis of theory and practice. There is also a blurring of the boundaries in relation to the affiliation of researchers. Many early American researchers emanated from either an instructional design or an adult educational base. Recently Jacobs has reported that there are an increased number of manuscripts coming from business schools. This trend is a reversal of the European and UK situ ation. In the UK, HRD is very much the child of the explosion of HRM literature in the 1980s and 1990s. In the introduction to this volume we discuss the emergence of the HRD literature in the form of HRD texts, journals and academic symposia. In addition, the scope of HRD research can be seen to be expanding, with recent focus on areas that were not traditionally considered to be within the domain of HRD. These include organizational leadership, organizational values, workforce development issues at the societal level and labour economics. Multidisciplinary foundations and an expanding scope both have the effect of expanding the discursive resources and therefore language available to and used by HRD academics and practitioners. While acknowledging that HRD is a distinct field of scholarly research and practice in relation to HRM, it has to be acknowledged that the contextual factors in mainland Europe are an important influence upon HRD outcomes. If anything, the UK context is somewhat closer to the US experience, and it is a mistake to assume that the rest of Europe is mirrored in UK practice. So, for example, the historical role and development of HR professionals varies considerably across Europe, as do their career paths (Tyson and Wikander 1994). So, for example, in the UK a strong professional body representing both HRM and HRD practitioners regulates initial training. Elsewhere in Europe this does not happen, and HR professionals can undergo very different training. So, in Germany the extensive legal responsibility of HRM professionals for collective employee relations necessitates a strong legal training, while their counterparts in HRD are more likely to
Saturday, November 16, 2019
I Came, I Saw, I Conquered
I Came, I Saw, I Conquered They say that the records are meant to be broken, Fortresses are built to be conquered and benchmarks are set to be achieved because if it wasnt for a record to be broken, benchmark to be achieved or a fortress to be conquered nobody would have ever built it in first place. A great personality once said that anything could be achieved but for that you should leave no stones unturned and victory will be yours. I, Shakeel Maqsood, and my team of Food Division, Gujranwala zone had the same thing in mind when we set the target of achieving a staggering 42.7 Million rupees sale in the month of August 2009; 10 Million rupees sales in Gujranwala city and 10 Million rupees sales in Sialkot city. My teams supervisors namely Shehzad Shah in Gujranwala and Adnan Yousaf in Sialkot took on the responsibility of delivering it and goodness me didnt they do well. Responsibilities were delegated to the individual team members of setting their own daily targets according to the plan and try to put in their best effort. Nobody was allowed to leave early even if the daily targets were met, they were asked to plan for the day ahead. It was for the first time in all my years with my team that I saw them turning from boys into men as they achieved such a huge target. It was intense work for best part of one month and I would like to congratulate my team for achieving this milestone which weve been looking to do so since very long. I would like to thank my dear God Almighty Allah for making me achieve this target and I would also like to heap praise on our respected NSM, Mr. Nadeem Khan and RSM, Mr. Amjad Niaz for giving us the kind of support we needed to achieve this target. Also I would like to thank National Foods Supply Chain and Logistics department because if it wasnt for their on-time stock deliveries this target would not have been possible. I hope that we keep on delivering better targets and achieve them in grand style. May God be with us All. Ameen.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Of Mice And Men :: essays research papers
In the novel Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck brings out the themes of Lonliness and companionship, and strengths and weaknesses through the actions, and quotations of the characters. Irony and foreshadowing play a large roll on how the story ends. Lennie and his habit of killing things not on purpose, but he is a victim of his own strength. George trying to pretend that his feelings for Lennie mean nothing. The entire novel is repetitive in themes and expressed views. Loneliness and Companionship are one of the many themes that are conveyed in the novel Of Mice and Men, By John Steinbeck. Many of the characters admit to suffering from loneliness within the texts. George sets the tone for these confessions early in the novel when he reminds Lennie that the life of living on a ranch is among the loneliest of lives. However Lennie, who is mentally disabled holds the idea that living on a farm very high. "Tending the rabbits" is what Lennie calls it. Often when Lennie is seaking encouragement he askes George to tell him how its going to be. Men like George who migrate from farm to farm rarely have anyone to look to for companionship and protection. George obviously cares a lot for lennie, but is too stubborn to admit to it. The feeling of being shipped from place to place leaves George feeling alone and abandoned. Strengths and Weaknesses play a huge roll within the story. Steinbeck explores different types of strength and weakness throughout the novel. As the novel begins, Steinbeck shows how Lennie possesses physical strength beyond his control, as when he cannot help killing the mouse. Great physical strength is valuable in George and Lennie's circumstances. Curley, as a symbol of authority on the ranch and a champion boxer, makes this clear immediately by using his brutish strength and violent temper to intimidate those who look down on him. Lennie means no harm at all. The reason why George and Lennie had to leave in the beginning of the novel was because it was believed that Lennie attempted to rape a woman there. Rape was not the case at all, when Lennie expressed his love for the touch of soft things, such as a dress or a mouse, this panicked the woman causing a chain reaction, and causing Lennie panic also. When Lennie accidentally kills the mouse, it foreshadows the future of Lennie and Curley's wife.
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