Sunday, December 22, 2019
Bipolar and Unipolar Disorder Essay - 1484 Words
People go through different moods all the time; however, when the moods become cycling or a person encounters depression that changes how he or she interacts with his or her daily activities, this person maybe dealing with bipolar or unipolar disorder. Even though these two disorders are similar, there are marked differences, different causes, and different treatment. Bipolar and Unipolar Disorder Bipolar and unipolar are two different disorders that affect millions of people; however, there are differences in between the two mood disorders. Bipolar is differentiated by two distinguishing phases of mania and depression, and the rapid cycling of these two phases is a key element of bipolar. (Jackson, 2010). Unipolar is a major†¦show more content†¦According to Comer (2003), â€Å"The symptoms, which often feed upon one another, span five areas of functioning, emotional, motivational, behavioral, cognitive, and physical.†(Chapter 7, p. 195). People who suffer from these symptoms begin to have problems with just possessing the will power to arise out of bed each morning and go about their daily activities, and sometimes these symptoms can become so severe that a person may even begin to think of committing suicide. According to Comer (2003), â€Å"Between 5 and 10 percent of adults in the United States suffer from a severe unipolar pattern of depression in any g iven year, while another 3 to 5 percent suffer from mild forms†(Chapter 7, p. 194). However, unipolar disorder can be caused by different factors, one of them being a genetic factor. Factors of Unipolar Studies have shown that unipolar disorder can have a genetic basis. According to (Dombeck, 2010), â€Å"Among the general population, Major Depressive Disorder is 1.5 to 3 times more common among first-degree biological relatives of affected individuals than it is among other less related individuals.†(Genetics, para. 2). This is not saying that a person has â€Å"depression genes,†but that a person from a family with a parent or sibling that has unipolar disorder, has a higher tendency to have unipolar disorder. However, there also can be biochemical factors that can cause a person to have unipolar disorder, and outside factors, like stress, bring out thisShow MoreRelatedCauses, Symptoms, and Treatments of Unipolar and Bipolar Disorder936 Words  | 4 PagesCauses and 2 Unipolar and bipolar disorders are fairly common and they can have devastating effects to an individual. There has been much study and documentation on these disorders. This paper will review the causes of both unipolar and bipolar disorders. The symptoms of both of these disorders will be highlighted and discussed. Treatment options will be reviewed that are available to individuals who find that they are suffering from these disorders. 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